Friday, September 7, 2012

Still Experimenting with Cell Camera

Sometimes it is convenient, and sometimes it just gives weird effects.  It has a lot of lens flaring.  This can produce cool effects, and sometimes can be annoying.

Before I go into the three pictures, this morning my cell was useless.  I was crossing the Ohio Rover bridge, and below me was a giant steam boat - American Queen maybe, couldn't take time to study it.  To my left, in the east, the sun was blood orange reflecting in the quiet Ohio River.  Just then, a V-formation of geese swooped over the bridge and right into the sun.  Oh, to be a pedestrian on the bridge with a great camera and the ability to stop time.  But now all I have is the high strangeness of the moment.

Now the pix:

Above, believe it or not, is the Moon high in the sky at 6 something in the morning Thursday morning 6 Sept 2012, and a tiny, tiny Jupiter.

On my way into Half Price bookstore Thursday night (6 Sept 2012), 
I saw two contrails forming a "V" as the sun was setting..  

Friday morning (TGIF) 7:09 AM, 7 Sept 2012, the Moon.  Just a dot.
But no lens flare!!  Just shaky hands.

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